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Monday, August 4, 2014

bistro set mini makeover

Saturday was one I'd been dreading for months.

Finished with the Louisiana bar exam, and having just finished a beautiful beach vacation with me, Stephen packed up his car and headed west to Houston to begin the long and arduous process of becoming a Texas-barred attorney. (I imagine it was a tearful drive, because it would make me feel better.)

You'll have to bear with me through these few couple shots. But, he's adorable and I miss him so you can humor me.

Over the past three days, I've done what any recently "single" girl would do: retail therapy and projects.

The first project I tackled (mere hours after he drove away), which I'm sure will be the first of several now-that-I'm-geographically-single posts, was refinishing Stephen's old bistro set.

This poor IKEA find sat on his patio for two years, bearing the brunt of hurricanes and cosplay projects, which caused it to look like this:

Stephen no longer had the room for it, so I happily took it off his hands to create my own weekend morning happy place.

Obviously, saying I refinished it was an exaggeration, as all I actually did was sloppily paint it with an exterior paint. (Valspar Cincinnatian Hotel Abbey from Lowe's, if you're interested.)

Once I was about halfway finished, I realized that I could remove the wood from the frames to avoid painting the metal. But, at that point, it seemed like too much work (regretting it now, since I have to scrape off all of my mess).

It was ready to use Sunday morning, providing a perfect mini-oasis to begin my day. Complete with an adorable coffee press, mug and Harry Potter, of course.

Bistro Set     French Press     Coffee Mug (it's been discontinued)    Kindle     Pride & Prejudice Kindle Case (custom-made)     Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone (available for free through Kindle Unlimited)

So, tell me, what kind of project should I tackle next to stay distracted?

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